Protected Species

Scrub JayBCS has conducted numerous protected species surveys and relocations. BCS has two FWC authorized gopher tortoise agents on staff to assist landowners and developers with gopher tortoise surveys, permitting and relocations.

The experience staff of BCS can assist landowners and developers with permitting and management of protected species as:

  • Bald Eagle
  • Osprey
  • Florida Scrub Jay
  • Sandhill Crane
  • Wood Stork
  • Eastern Indigo Snake
  • Manatee
  • Atlantic Salt Marsh Snake

Wetlands Permitting, Mitigation Planning, Design and Monitoring.

Through the environmental permitting process, mitigation for wetlands impacts is sometimes required. This mitigation may be in the form of mitigation bank credit purchase, wetlands preservation and/or wetlands creation.

BCS is experienced in mitigation design obtaining environmental permits and monitoring for compliance with agency permits.

Wildlife Species Surveys

Wildlife surveys are often required during project planning and permitting.

The extensive knowledge and experience of Biological Consulting Services staff biologists enables them to efficiently and accurately determine the presence or absence of Florida’s federally-listed species in a project area, quantify population and distribution, assess habitat values, prepare impact mitigation, and secure required permits.

 Click here to view our Portfolio

Jurisdictional Wetlands

st-johns-river-245320_640The delineation of jurisdictional wetlands is an important step in the development process. Biological Consulting Services has completed wetlands delineations for projects ranging from single family to sites greater than 1000 acres.

Hawk 1

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